In any workplace or human resources department, sexual harassment is a topic that is discussed frequently. With all of the measures that are in place to protect employees in the workplace from unwanted sexual advances, one would think that the level of cases would be on the decline. Unfortunately, that is not the case. In fact, it is still a very prevalent issue that many still experience while on the job. There are plenty of things you can do to help reduce the likelihood that you will experience sexual harassment at work. The following is some helpful information on what you need to know should you have such an experience:
Figure Out If You Have a Claim
If you think you have grounds to file a sexual harassment claim but you are not certain, you need to think about which category your experience would fall into. There are several categories in which these claims can fall.
Types of Sexual Harassment Claims
Unwanted sexual advances are one category. This can refer to anything from flirtatious behavior that is unwanted to offering perks in exchange for sexual favors. You may be asked for proof with this type of claim, so hold onto any correspondence that you may have. This can include photos, texts, or emails that display the sexual advances.
A hostile working environment can also be considered when considering whether or not you have a viable claim. This can include sending lewd or sexual pictures, verbal comments of a sexual nature, inappropriate touch, and the like.
Threats of retaliation also can be a qualification for a sexual harassment claim. Retaliation comes into play if you are being harassed but are also threatened with retaliation if you say something to your superior. Threats can range from anything, to physical harm to threats of demotion or losing your job. Keep in mind that the laws are on your side, no matter what the retaliator tries to accomplish. Even if the threat is a loss of job, it is ideal to report the incident to protect not only yourself, but also others in the workplace.
If you have experienced any of these at work, chances are you have the base for a very good case. In the event your employer does not act on your claim, you can seek legal advice. There are sexual harassment attorneys who can help you file your sexual harassment claim so that you do not go unnoticed by your employer.