Trying to find your way out of a financial sinkhole can make you feel like you are barely treading water. The bills seem to come in relentlessly and just when you think you've found a shard of light, another expense falls in your lap, causing you to think you'll never be able to gain your footing. It is a rough spot to be in but it is certainly not uncommon. It's been said that nearly 80 percent of American workers live paycheck to paycheck, which means that one wrong move could land almost anyone in financial straits.
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Steps To Take If You Suffer From Food Poisoning After Dining In A Restaurant
Many people dine out at restaurants on a regular basis. In most cases, you can count on a meal in a restaurant to be safe and tasty. However, it is possible to contract food poisoning after a meal in a restaurant. Food poisoning in a restaurant can occur when perishable food is not properly stored at the right temperature or when ingredients to make meals become contaminated. Not fully cooking food or having food handled by someone who is sick or has not washed their hands can also lead to food poisoning.
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Why You Should Hire Your Own DUI Attorney Vs. Asking For A Court-Appointed Attorney
If you have been charged with a DUI, then you probably know that you should seek legal representation. After all, you might not have much or any legal experience, and you probably want to make sure that your case is handled as it should be.
Now, your next decision might be whether you want to ask for a court-appointed attorney or if you want to hire one yourself. You will probably want to go with the latter option; if you're wondering why, consider the reasons listed below.
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What Issues Do Corporate Real Estate Attorneys Handle?
The world of corporate real estate involves a lot of legalities. Unsurprisingly, that means folks who operate in that world will often require the services of a corporate real estate attorney. If you're wondering whether one might be able to assist you, here are five things they regularly handle on behalf of their clients.
In the simplest sense, a corporate real estate lawyer does a lot of the same things an attorney who only handles residential work takes on.
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