How Customer Service Can Help Your Business Avoid Lawsuits

A lawsuit can cripple your business and send it to the ground if you aren't careful. Luckily, there are various ways of preventing business lawsuits, and impeccable customer service is one of them. Here are the specific ways customer service can help prevent lawsuits.

Keep Clients Updated

If you are working on a project for a client, the contract signing and the project delivery should not be the only times you talk to the customer. Rather, you should keep in contact with the client throughout the project and keep the client updated at regular intervals. That way the client can point out any issues they may have with your work and you will get the opportunity to iron out such issues before they become major issues.

Collect and Respond to Customer Feedback

Listening to customer feedback is one of the hallmarks of good customer service. In fact, you should not wait for customers to come you with their feedback; you need to actively seek the feedback. You can use surveys, follow-up emails, and social media polls, among other avenues, to collect the feedback.

You should not just listen to your clients; you should asses their feedback and use them to improve your operations. For example, if your customers decry the ambiguity of your return policy, you should strive to make it more intelligible.

Respond to Customer Complaints ASAP

Despite your best intentions, some of your customers may have complaints about your products, services or dealings with them. If that happens, act as fast as possible to remedy the situation. Look at the issue from the client's point of view. Don't belittle their complaints because you don't think it's a serious issue or because the money involved is negligible. You don't want a customer to sue you for a one-dollar overcharge because the mere mention of an overcharge can seriously dent your reputation.

 Deal with the Root of Each Problem

Lastly, you should dig deep into each problem that arises, diagnose the situation, and fix the cause. For example, it is not just enough to refund a customer who has been overcharged by your billing department. You should know why the customer was overcharged in the first place (was it a software glitch?) and deal with it once and for all. Otherwise, the issue may affect other customers and trigger a lawsuit somewhere down the line.

Despite your best precautions, however, you cannot rule out the possibility that your business will one day face a lawsuit. If you do get sued, consult a commercial litigation attorney as early in the case as possible to help you protect your business name and avoid potential financial losses.
