Got A Reckless Driving Ticket? What You Should Do Now

Being pulled over and issued a reckless driving ticket can be a frightening experience. Regular speeding tickets don't usually send fear throughout your body because you know that you can simply pay them and they will eventually go away. A reckless driving ticket is different because of the stiff penalties that can come with it. Although the punishments vary depending on which state you receive the ticket in, you stand to have your car insurance go up, receive a very expensive fine or even spend time in jail. [Read More]

3 Things To Do Before Initiating A Divorce

While most couples enter into marriage with the intention of staying together, divorce is something that many find themselves considering at some point after getting married. In fact, somewhere between 40 and 50 percent of married couples in the US will end up divorced. Divorce can be difficult both emotionally and financially for many couples. Even the process of initiating a divorce can be very stressful. Many are unsure of where to start. [Read More]

Tips For Generating Revenue From Your Company's Patents

Securing patents for your product designs can be a valuable investment. While you might think of the patent process as nothing more than just jumping through legal hoops, the fact is that there's far more to it than that. In fact, once you've secured patents for your product designs or ideas, you can actually use that patent as a revenue-building opportunity. Here are a few ways that your business could make money on your patents and their associated products or ideas. [Read More]