One of the most important things that you can do if you feel that you have been wrongfully terminated from a position is to contact a labor lawyer, mostly because he or she will often be able to help you sue your former employer for the wrongful termination or get you your job back. Listed below are three reasons to hire a labor lawyer to assist with a wrongful termination case.
Can Protect Your Reputation
One of the biggest reasons to hire a labor lawyer to assist you with a wrongful termination case is because he or she can protect your reputation. For example, if your former employer is making untrue statements about the reason that you were terminated or is claiming that you have acted in an illegal or unethical manner, it can greatly reduce your chances of getting another job in the same industry. However, a labor lawyer can help you avoid this issue by filing a motion with the court to prevent your former employer from continuing to spread those stories and ruin your reputation.
Can Help You Recover Your Financial Losses
Another way that a labor lawyer can assist you if you have been wrongfully terminated is by helping you to recover your financial losses. Now, the first thing that the lawyer will do in order to help you with this is to actually sit down with you and discuss what you actually lost, from the lost wages to any benefits that were taken from you when you were terminated. With that information in hand, your lawyer will be able to add those financial losses to any other damages that you may have suffered, such as emotional distress, in order to determine just how much money you are potentially owed by your former employer and how much to take your former employer to court for.
Can Be Paid On A Contingency Basis
Finally, it is a good idea to hire a labor lawyer to assist you with this type of case because he or she can be paid on a contingency basis. A contingency basis typically means that the attorney is going to be working for free if you do not win your case. If you do win your case, the attorney will take a percentage of the money that you were awarded by the judge, which makes it ideal if you are a bit short on money due to having been terminated from your job.
Contact a labor lawyer today, such as from Peter Law Group, if you believe you have been wrongfully terminated from your position and to discuss what options are available to you. You will want to hire a labor lawyer to assist you with a wrongful termination case because he or she can help protect your reputation, recover your financial losses, and can be paid on a contingency basis.