What Filers Should Know About Filing For Bankruptcy A Second Time

While very few people plan to repeatedly file for bankruptcy, there are no restrictions on how many times someone may file for bankruptcy. However, filers that need additional financial relief need to understand how things could be different this time. Abide by the Time Limits Each type of bankruptcy has its own time rules. You must wait the prescribed time before you can file again: If your previous filing was using Chapter 7, you must wait at least 8 years from the date you filed your previous case to file Chapter 7 again. [Read More]

Benefits Of Working With A Nonprofit Compliance Expert

As the owner of a nonprofit organization, you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. There are often many stories you hear about nonprofit organizations that commit some violation of the law, whether it be related to employment, fundraising, or a conflict of interest. Unfortunately, such stories can erode the public's trust in a nonprofit. Fortunately, working with a nonprofit compliance expert can help you maintain your integrity and the public's trust in your organization. [Read More]

Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer's Assistance If You Collide With An Animal

It's not uncommon for large or small animals to cross the road unexpectedly. Often, these incidents lead to crashes that may leave a driver, their passengers, and the animal severely injured. Your vehicle may also be destroyed, costing you thousands of dollars in repairs. The good news is that you can be eligible for reimbursement if it's discovered there was a negligent individual or an organization behind your crash. It's vital to work with a car accident lawyer if you want to secure a maximum settlement or get the best outcome in your case. [Read More]

5 Tips For A Successful SSI Disability Appeal

A long-term disability can be easier to endure with the guarantee of social security disability income. Don't give up if your application was denied. There are options for appealing the decision.  1. Learn Your Appeal Options There are several different types of disability appeals. You can request a simple reconsideration of your original application, schedule an administrative law judge hearing, or put your appeal to an appeals council review. The type of appeal you choose depends on your specific case and the reason for the refusal of benefits. [Read More]